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It’s A Great Way To Make Your Match
Our recruiters will take the time to get to know you, your skills, and what you want most from your next job. Our recruiting professionals then present job opportunities that are a good fit for your skills and experience. We specialize in information technology, supply chain, and manufacturing positions with employers.
We go beyond just matching a list of qualifications to a job description. Our comprehensive hiring process ensures you are right for the employer, and the opportunity is right for you.
You’ll find a wealth of opportunities on our career board, but if you don’t see the ideal job posted, submit your resume anyway. You can set up a saved search to receive alerts when a job matching your parameters is posted. Our recruiters can also keep you informed if a client brings us a confidential vacancy that they do not intend to advertise. It’s an excellent way to continue in your current job and career path unless the ideal opportunity should arise.
Benefits are a key factor in any compensation package. Here’s an overview of what Synigent offers.
Please speak to your recruiter for details or to ask questions.
Life Insurance
Disability (short- and long-term), AD&D
Where You Can Work
Synigent connects professionals with IT, supply chain, and manufacturing opportunities in industries including the following:
Agriculture / Food Production
Agriculture / Technology (Agtech)
Financial Services
Consumer Goods
Logistics / Transportation
And More!
News. Events. Advice.
Build Trust
Trust is essential when building a healthy and productive work environment. Whether you’re leading an entire department or work hand in hand with a just a
Get Motivated
Today, we’re going to focus on 5 ways to turn negative thoughts into positive action. You have a lot of potential – start recognizing it!
How To Give Employees Constructive Feedback
Clearly, giving and receiving constructive feedback is a skill that must be honed. Developing proficiency in this area is essential to building good relationships with,